We want to walk with you.

Your prayer requests and celebrations (good things God is doing in your life) are important to us. When you submit a prayer request or celebration, it will be forwarded to our prayer team. We are honored to partner with you in this way.

In-person prayer is available Sunday mornings at the front of the worship center after the 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM services.

Our prayer team can also connect with you with local non-profits and resources for those in crisis.

Prayer Request

Prayer Groups

Several prayer groups meet weekly. These groups pray for specific topics, such as for the church, our nation, marriages, and more. Learn more below.

Examen Prayer

We invite you to set this prayer as a weekly rhythm. Take time to pause, sit and review the experiences of this past week.

  1. Become aware of the presence of God and His love for you
  2. Review the week with gratitude
  3. Be attentive to what you’re feeling or to what you’re thinking as you ask yourself the following questions:
    • Where in your week did you experience consolation*; joy, comfort or peace?
    • Where did you experience desolation**; sadness, frustration or failure?
  4. As you become attentive to your desolation; what sadness, frustration or failure might you need to confess? Where might you need to receive forgiveness?
  5. Look forward to tomorrow with hope! What newness is the Holy Spirit inviting you into?

*A consolation is an experience that causes you to feel fully alive, at peace, joyful, happy, comforted, whole, connected, your best self, etc., and could be understood as an experience in which you feel close to God.

**A desolation is an experience that causes you to feel drained of energy, frustrated, irrupted, angry, sad, sorrowful, alone, isolated, unaccented, fragmented, less than your best self, etc., and could be understood as an experience in which you feel far away from God.