Young Adults
Whether you are in college, the workplace, single, or married – come be in community!
Being a young adult is one of the most exciting, challenging, and memorable times in life. At New Life, we are following Jesus together.
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Upcoming events for Young Adults
From worship nights to pickleball tournaments, we have regular events for you!
You are invited to join a Life Group! Make friends, find support, and enjoy some laughter along the way!
All groups listed here are for couples and parents. Check out all open Life Groups here.
You are invited to join a Life Group! Make friends, find support, and enjoy some laughter along the way! Check out all open Life Groups here.
Podcasts, books, and seminars for students and parents to grow in their faith.
Podcast Name Example #1
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Podcast Name Example #2
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Book Name Example #1
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Book Name Example #2
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Webinar Name Example #1
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Webinar Name Example #2
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Sermon Name Example #1
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Sermon Name Example #2
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Questions, prayer requests, or want to get connected?
We’d love to hear from you.